Meet Christian and Stefanie

Our Mission

We are here to help women change their relationship to food and to make peace with their body. So many women today are held back by various food and body challenges, whether it's binge eating, emotional eating, overeating, yo-yo dieting, or if it's self-judgment around body image. We both understand how debilitating it is to be stuck going from one trend to the next finally seeking to fix ourselves. The truth is there is nothing wrong with you, no matter what you tell yourself, you truly can find inner confidence, enjoy food and life again, and free up energy so that you can live a life you love, without diet culture, over-exercising, no-pain-no-gain approaches and feeling that you're never-good-enough no matter what you do. 

We help women with all sorts of struggles get to the root of their food and body challenges, transform their relationship to food, make peace with their body and find food freedom.